In the whimsical land of Bunnyville, Boxes Funny sets out on an extraordinary journey to become the greatest egg collector. Every year, Bunnyville hosts the Egg-stravaganza, a spectacular event where Boxes jumps, twists, and turns to collect magical colored eggs. With each successful leap, Boxes navigates through increasingly challenging paths filled with moving elastics and tricky obstacles.
In Boxes Funny, players must guide Boxes through various levels, collecting eggs while avoiding obstacles like moving elastics and hidden traps. As Boxes progresses, new areas of Bunnyville are unlocked, each presenting tougher challenges to overcome.
The ultimate challenge in Boxes Funny is to find the elusive Rainbow Egg, hidden deep within the most difficult and mysterious part of Bunnyville. This special egg can only be collected after mastering all the previous levels and obstacles.
Boxes Funny delivers a captivating blend of excitement and challenge, ensuring players are engaged as they explore Bunnyville and strive to achieve greatness.
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